Laurina Coffee (or Bourbon Pointu): Naturally Low-Caffeine with a Delicate Flavor

Laurina coffee, also known as Bourbon Pointu, is a rare and unique variety of Arabica that is prized for its naturally low caffeine content and delicate flavor. This coffee is cultivated mainly on the island of Réunion, where it benefits from ideal growing conditions.

Its naturally lower caffeine levels make it smoother and less bitter than other coffees, and it is often described as having a light, tea-like body, with notes of fruit and flowers. Laurina coffee is especially appealing to those who enjoy a milder cup without compromising on flavor.

The Origin of Laurina Coffee

Laurina is a mutation of the Bourbon variety, one of the earliest coffee types brought from Yemen to other parts of the world. Its origins trace back to the island of Réunion (formerly Bourbon), where this mutation was first discovered. The plant is easily recognizable due to its slender, pointed leaves, which is why it is also known as “Bourbon Pointu.”

The natural low caffeine content is due to a genetic mutation in the plant, which reduces the production of caffeine by nearly half compared to regular Arabica varieties. This gives Laurina coffee its characteristic mildness and is ideal for those who are sensitive to caffeine or prefer a less stimulating cup.

How Laurina Coffee is Cultivated

Laurina coffee is notoriously difficult to grow, as the plants are more fragile and sensitive to environmental changes than other coffee varieties. They require specific growing conditions, usually at high altitudes between 1,000 and 1,500 meters above sea level. This makes the cultivation process labor-intensive and limits the quantity of Laurina coffee produced.

Farmers must take extra care in managing pests and ensuring optimal soil conditions, as the reduced caffeine levels make the plants more susceptible to insects. Despite these challenges, the reward is a unique coffee that stands out for its low caffeine content and exceptional flavor.

The Flavor Profile of Laurina Coffee

Laurina coffee is celebrated for its elegant and refined taste. The reduced caffeine content gives the coffee a smoother and lighter body, often compared to fine tea. It has a bright acidity and a sweet, delicate flavor with notes of citrus, red fruit, and floral undertones.

Unlike more robust coffees, Laurina offers a subtle complexity that appeals to those who appreciate a softer, more nuanced cup. Common tasting notes for Laurina coffee include:

  • Citrus zest: Light and refreshing, similar to lemon or orange.
  • Red berries: Sweet and tart, adding complexity to the flavor.
  • Floral aromas: Hints of jasmine or rose that add a fragrant touch.

The overall experience is gentle and balanced, making it a favorite among those who seek a refined, low-caffeine coffee with delicate flavors.

Why Laurina Coffee is So Rare

Laurina coffee’s rarity stems from both the difficulty in cultivating it and the limited regions where it can thrive. With its lower yield and susceptibility to pests, many farmers opt for more robust varieties. As a result, Laurina remains a niche product in the world of specialty coffee.

Another factor contributing to its rarity is the labor-intensive process required to grow and harvest Laurina beans. Because of the plant’s delicate nature, farmers must be highly skilled and attentive, ensuring that each step of the cultivation process is done carefully.


Laurina coffee, or Bourbon Pointu, is a rare gem in the coffee world, offering a unique combination of low caffeine and delicate flavor. Its smooth, tea-like body and bright, floral notes make it an exceptional choice for those who appreciate a lighter, more refined cup. Despite the challenges in growing Laurina, its reputation for quality and the experience it offers ensure that it remains a sought-after variety among coffee enthusiasts worldwide.

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